Linux Reboot Commands With Examples

Linux Reboot Commands in Terminal

In this article we are going to shows how to use systemctl and shutdown commands in Linux Terminal to reboot or restart your Linux system.

In the Linux, you need to reboot your Linux system in many circumstances such as troubleshooting hardware issues, installing new applications, kernel update and many more. You can use systemctl and shutdown commands to reboot your Linux system.

Linux is an operating system, like Windows OS, iOS, and Mac OS. It is one of the most popular operating system on the planet, Android is also powered by Linux OS(operating system).

Linux OS(operating system) is also distributed under an open source license. Open source following these points :

  • Freely to run the program, for any purpose.
  • Free to study how the program works.
  • It is free to re-distribute copies so you can help your friends.
  • Free to distribute copies of your modified versions to others.

Linux Reboot Commands in Terminal

To reboot your Linux system, use systemctl and shutdown command:

Reboot Using Systemctl

To reboot your Linux system, Run the reboot or systemctl reboot command as show below:

sudo systemctl reboot


sudo reboot

The above command will restarted the system immediately and it will notified to all logged-in users and processes that the system is going down.

If you don’t want that reboot command send a message to all logged-in users then run the command with the --no-wall option as show below:

sudo systemctl --no-wall reboot

If you want to send a custom message to to all logged-in users then run the command with the --message= option:

sudo systemctl --message="Your custom message here" reboot
System is rebooting (Your custom message here)

Reboot Using Shutdown

To reboot your Linux system, use -r option with shutdown command:

sudo shutdown -r 

By default, the above command will be reboot the system after 1 minute. But using time argument you can set the exact time for reboot the system:

sudo shutdown -r 11:00

The above command will reboot your system at 11 A.M.

If you want to reboot your system after 10 minutes from now, run the command below:

sudo shutdown -r +10

You can also reboot your system immediately using +0 or its alias now:

sudo shutdown -r now


sudo shutdown -r +0

To show a custom message, type your message after the time argument as show below:

sudo shutdown -r +20 "your custom message"

If you want to cancel a scheduled system reboot then run the shutdown command with the -c option:

sudo shutdown -c

To cancel a scheduled system reboot with a custom message, run the command below:

sudo shutdown -c "Your custom message"

That’s all

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