How to Remove Files and Directories in Linux Command Line

How to Remove Files and Directories in Linux Command Line

Removing files and directories is a common task in Linux administration, and there are several commands available to do so using the command line. In this article, we’ll explore how to remove files and directories in Linux with examples, so you can learn how to use these commands with confidence. Whether you need to remove a single file, multiple files, or an entire directory, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started!

How to Remove Files in Linux Command Line

To delete a file in Linux using the command line, you can use either the rm or unlink command. unlink is used to remove a single file, while rm can remove multiple files at once. So, depending on your needs, you can choose the appropriate command for your situation.

How to Remove a Single File Using Linux Command Line

To delete a file using rm, you would use the following syntax:

$ rm <filename>

For example, to remove a file called myfile.txt, you would run the following command:

$ rm myfile.txt

The unlink command is another option for deleting files in Linux. It’s similar to rm, but it only works for files, not directories. The syntax for unlink is as follows:

$ unlink <filename>

So, to delete the same myfile.txt file using unlink, you would run the following command:

$ unlink myfile.txt

Both rm and unlink will permanently delete the specified file without confirmation, so be careful when using them. If you want to confirm each deletion, you can use the -i option with either command, like this:

$ rm -i <filename>
$ unlink -i <filename>

How to Remove Multiple Files Using Linux Command Line

To remove multiple files at once, we can specify the names of the files separated by spaces. For example, to remove three files named “file1.txt”, “file2.txt”, and “file3.txt”, we can use the following command:

rm file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

Here, all three files will be removed.

How to Remove Files in a Directory Using Linux Command Line

To remove all the files in a directory, we can use the following command:

rm /path/to/directory/*

Here, “/path/to/directory/” is the path of the directory where we want to remove all the files. This command will remove all files in the directory, but it won’t remove the directory itself.

For Example, let’s say you have a directory called mydirectory located at /home/user/mydirectory. This directory contains several files that you want to delete all at once. Instead of manually specifying each file, you can use the * wildcard character to match all files in the directory.

To delete all the files in mydirectory, you would run the following command:

rm /home/user/mydirectory/*

This command will delete all files in the mydirectory directory, but it won’t delete the directory itself. If you want to delete the directory as well, you can use the -r option to delete it recursively:

rm -r /home/user/mydirectory/*

This command will delete all files and subdirectories in mydirectory, as well as the directory itself.

Note: Be careful when using the * wildcard with rm, especially with the -r option, as it can easily delete large amounts of data without confirmation. It’s always a good idea to double-check the files and directories you’re about to delete before running the command.

How to Prompt for Confirmation Before Deleting Files

The -i option stands for “interactive,” and it prompts you for confirmation before deleting each file. This can be useful if you want to make sure you don’t accidentally delete any important files.

To use rm with the -i option, you simply include it as an option before the file or directory you want to delete. Here’s an example:

rm -i myfile.txt

When you run this command, rm will prompt you with a message asking if you’re sure you want to delete the file:

rm: remove regular file 'myfile.txt'? 

You can then confirm by typing y for yes or n for no. If you want to confirm the deletion of all files in a directory, you can use the -i option with the -r option to delete recursively:

rm -ir mydirectory

This command will prompt you for confirmation before deleting each file and subdirectory in mydirectory.

How to Remove Directories in Linux Command Line

To remove a directory, we can use the “rmdir” or “rm” command. The “rmdir” command is used to remove empty directories, whereas the “rm” command can be used to remove directories and their contents.

How to Remove an Empty Directory Using Linux Command Line

To remove an empty directory, we can use the following command:

rmdir directory

Here, “directory” is the name of the directory that we want to remove. If the directory is not empty, we will get an error message.

How to Remove a Directory and its Contents Using Linux Command Line

To remove a directory and its contents, we use the following command:

rm -r directory

Here, “directory” is the name of the directory that we want to remove, and the “-r” option is used to remove the directory recursively along with its contents.

How to Remove a Directory with Prompt

Sometimes we want to remove a directory but would like to confirm the deletion first. In this case, we can use the following command:

rm -i -r directory

For Example, suppose we have a directory named “downloads” in our home directory, and we want to remove it but would like to confirm the deletion first. We can use the following command:

rm -i -r ~/downloads

This command will prompt us for confirmation before removing each file or directory inside the “downloads” directory.


In this article, we discussed how to remove files and directories using Linux command line. We explored some useful commands like “rm” and “rmdir” and discussed their basic syntax with examples. Remember, removing files and directories is a powerful operation, and it can cause irreparable damage to the system if not done carefully. Always double-check the files and directories that you are going to remove before executing the commands.

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