In this post, we are going to show that how to Install Robo3T(RoboMongo) on Ubuntu 18.04 | 20.04. If your are going to Install Robo3T on your Ubuntu system then this post is ideal for you.
Robo 3T(RoboMongo) is a free, cross-platform, lightweight and one of the best GUI management tool that is used to managing and querying MongoDB database.
For more details about Robo3t, visit its official website.
MongoDB is a open source and cross-platform document-oriented database system. It is Classified as a NoSQL database system. It is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side Public License.
How to Install Robo3T(RobMongo) on Ubuntu
During writing of this article, we are assuming that you have already installed MongoDB on your Ubuntu system. If not then installed MongoDB using our previous article How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 18.04 | 20.04.
Now, simply follow below steps to install Robo3T(RoboMongo) on your Ubuntu system:
There are many ways to Install Robo3T on Ubuntu. But in this article we are using below two most popular methods:
- Install Robo3T from its Official Packages.
- Install Robo3T using Snap.
Method 1 : Install Robo3T from its Official Packages
To install Robo3T, first you will need to download the latest packages of Robo 3T form Robo3t or using wget
as show below:
Next, we need to extract here tar.gz file using command below:
tar -xvzf robo3t-1.4.3-linux-x86_64-48f7dfd.tar.gz
The command above extract the archive file into the folder. Next, we will need to create a new floder in usr/local/bin
for Robo 3T. To do that, Run the command below:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin/robo3t
Now, move the extracted package to newly created robo3t folder located at usr/local/bin
directory by running command below:
sudo mv robo3t-1.4.3-linux-x86_64-48f7dfd/* /usr/local/bin/robo3t
Next, you will need to change the directory to cd /usr/local/bin/robo3t/bin
, run the command below:
cd /usr/local/bin/robo3t/bin
Next, you will need to give permission to newly created directory using chmod
sudo chmod +x robo3t ./robo3t
Once you are complete all the steps above, you are ready to use robo3t on your Ubuntu system. You can run Robo3t from command line using command below:
Method 2 : Install Robo3T via Snap
If Snap is not installed on your system then you will need to install it before you install Robo3T. Installing via snap is the best and easiest way to install packages on Linux machine, including Ubuntu.
To Install snap package manager , run the commands below :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
Now, run the command below to install Robo3T :
sudo snap install robo3t-snap
That’s all.
You can run Robo3t from command line using command below:
sudo robo3t
That’s all.
If you face any error and issue in above steps , please use comment box below to report.
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