How to Open the Power User Tasks Menu on Windows 11

How to Open the Power User Tasks Menu on Windows 11

This brief guide shows how to open the power user tasks menu on Windows 11. If you are a beginner or a new user and want to open the power user tasks menu on Windows 11 system then this short tutorial is useful and handy for you.

The Power User Tasks Menu was first launched with Microsoft Windows 2008 and it provides quick access to important and essential Windows 11 features.

It combined with several settings and advanced features which are not available on the standard Start menu. This menu is not easily available for inexperienced users because using it to cause system instability or loss your important data.

There are many ways to launch the power user menu in Windows 11. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to open it using different ways.

How to Open the Power User Menu on Windows 11

If you are a power or experienced users and really want to use this menu on your Windows 11, then simply follow the steps below to launch it.

To launch Power User Menu, press the Windows key and X from your keyboard:

How to Open the Power User Tasks Menu on Windows 11

Now power user menu is open and ready for keyboard commands. you can check the Hotkeys and descriptions of the commands that are listed below:

Programs (Apps) & FeaturesFOpens Windows Programs & Features
Mobility CenterBLaunch Windows Mobility Center
Power OptionOOpens Windows Power Options
Event ViewerVOpens Windows Events viewer
SystemYOpens Windows Systems Properties
Network ConnectionsWOpens Network Connection pane
Disk ManagementKOpens Disk Management on Windows
Computer ManagementGOpens Computer Management settings
Command PromptCOpens Windows Command Prompt
Command Prompt as AdminAOpens the Command Prompt as Admin
Tasks ManagerTOpens Windows Tasks Manager
Control PanelPOpens Windows Control Panel
File ExplorerEOpens Windows File Explorer
Run command boxROpens the Run command box
DesktopDHide all windows and display desktop

You can use the hotkeys listed above to open above features and settings. For an example, Win key + XO opens your Windows Power Options.

There are another method to launch the Power user menu is to right-click on the Start menu icon from the Taskbar as shown in the image below:

How to Open the Power User Tasks Menu on Windows 11

Using this method, you can’t use the hotkeys that are listed above, but you can navigate this menu with your mouse.

That’s all

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